Upendo Foundation’s desire is for both males and females to have equal opportunity to fulfill their potential.
It is from the above sentiment that Upendo Foundation came in after an alarm raised through groups’ community resource persons (CORPs) identifying the inequality of females caused by the consequences of their monthly menses. A feasibility study was carried out and it identified the need to assist the very vulnerable young women/widows within the community groups. A pilot scheme was recommended and it was later developed to include primary and secondary school girls who had reached puberty.
Upendo Foundation now runs the Keep a Girl in School (KaGiS) programme and currently provides sanitary pads every month to 19 schools (2 primary & 17 secondary) to a girl population of over 3,000. The schools have been selected based on where there was the greatest need.
Recently it was discovered that there were a number of girls in need of suitable undergarments so that they could benefit from the provision of the sanitary pads. We have therefore provided undergarments to 11 schools and a total of 343 vulnerable girls have each received 3 pairs of panties. This whole programme has resulted in the girls becoming more happy and confident. There has also been a significant improvement in school attendance and exam results.
Thanks to all who have the girl child at heart and who want them to achieve their aspirations.
Seline Ndinya – Upendo staff member in-charge of KaGis