Caring for the Environment

Environmental conservation and protection over the last 10 years has been a cross cutting issue in all our fundamental sectors that’s; food security, health, education, shelter and economic empowerment. Our purpose is to increase forest cover, income and nutrition in all the 43 groups affiliated to Upendo Foundation and community at large through promotion of community tree nurseries, cultivation of assorted fruit trees, planting of assorted tree species, use of organic fertilizers, and trainings on good agronomic practices.

This year through a buy a gift scheme, 1 community school received 1300 assorted tree seedlings that were planted in their school compound for educational purposes and future income while 1 group also received 20 fruit seedlings for demonstration, future income and nutrition. Upendo is promoting environmental conservation and protection through bee keeping and tree nurseries whereby this year 30 langstroth bee hives were purchased and distributed to groups. Groups are educated on environmental issues and are encouraged to plant bee friendly trees and a forest cover surrounding the apiary. Over the previous years there are more than 100 bee hives across the federation provided by the organization.

Kirongo CBO has initiated a tree nursery within the office compound as a demo site for the surrounding community. 10 out of 43 groups that we are working with are doing tree nurseries and they have been supported with various items such as seeds, polytubes, watering cans, wheelbarrows and other small farming tools. Groups get technical advice from Upendo field staff on a regular basis during their routine field visits and extension sevices.

Priscilla – Field Staff Member.

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